Sadhu, a holy man having renounced the world, drinking a cup of tea, with plenty of time on his hands...
© Morten Svenningsen 2008
Man there’s lots of things to do in this business! Funny thing, the actual photography seems to be just the least of it. Looking back at the last months, I’ve spent time writing, developing ideas, posting on forums, making web-site, building links, submitting material, writing invoices (yes, it does happen), taking backup’s, trying to catch up on market news, photography trends etc., besides running the little family, doing the occasional cooking, cleaning, walking the dog etc. So far this month, I’ve taken 3 photos (one of which is the one leading this post). That’s it! Man, life as an independent pro photographer is a lot more than just taking pictures. If it’s not too late to make a new year resolution, I’ll hereby vow to take more time doing actual photography this year! Some of the ideas I want to pursue: Create multimedia, go in-depth with some photo projects, execute some of the shoots I already have in mind, create new and thought-provoking documentaries and get up in some of those awesome mountains they have around here. And still I’m (we’re) waiting for the release of a new 5D Mark II camera from Canon - and wondering how long it’s gonna take to earn something equivalent of the cost. Could do with a new laptop as well, and there’s also a couple of lenses I’d like to get my hands on. Let’s see, how many thousand dollars is that? 3,4,5,6,7,8? And that’s why I have to spend so much time not looking through the viewfinder with my finger on the shutter button. Just can’t do it all the time if you wanna stay in business. And that’s why I occasionally will have to take some weeks in front of the laptop in stead, I guess.