Bloody Hell, just found out why my web site isn't working: Without any kind of warning or notification, my web hosting company (NeedHost) has gone bankrupt and all servers have been shut down.
I will be setting up a new web site ASAP, please stay tuned for updates. Until then, if you need to get in touch, please contact me at - sorry for the inconvenience...
All the best wishes from all of us to all of you. As you probably can see in the photo, Sabina is now less than two months away from giving birth to our first child!
Although there’s not much Christmas-ado around these latitudes, we do have a little plastic tree and we’re having a little family get-together tonight. Yes, it’s only the 24th, but that’s when we celebrate it in Denmark.
New Project The last month I’ve been kicking off a new project, launched a web site called Gaia Photos, and it’s now on track to be a showcase platform for great photojournalism and visual story telling from around the world. I think it’s very interesting and I’ve only gotten very positive feedback from the photographers I’ve invited to join so far. The basic idea is that (at least) one photojournalist from every country will display some of his/her work here from time to time. I think together we can get a large audience, much larger that the combined audience of each of us individually, and hopefully professional photo buyers will also make a note of it and visit from time to time to find new and interesting material for publication. It is a bit on hold these days but once all this Christmas thing has settled down, I will find more top photojournalists to join. I could tell you all the great things I hope to accomplish with Gaia, but think I’ll wait till another time. For now, just go have a look at what we have so far, there is some great work up already!
Note And a little note, my own web site is currently not online due to technical problems with my hosting company. There’s not much I can do about it but wait, it’s been three days now. Don’t like it one bit and I think it’s time to change web hosting company. There has been other glitches in the past with these guys. On the Gaia site I’ve chosen to work with BlueHost and I must say so far I am very pleased. Fast servers, incredible backend functionality, unlimited storage and bandwidth, voted best 24h support in the industry and seems to be a lot more reliable than NeedHost, the company I’m (still) using for my own site.
So just a quick note, if you need to get in touch with me, please use my alternate e-mail address until my site is back in operation, it’s