Thursday, May 29, 2008

Monarchy Abolished

Nepal declared a federal democratic republic. King given 15 days to leave the Palace.

Late last night at 23.30, the first meeting of the newly elected constituent assembly abolished Nepal’s 240 year old monarchy by overwhelming majority. Of 564 members present, only 4 voted against the motion, which is less than 1%.

King Gyanendra is expected to accept the declaration and is now set to live the rest of his life as a normal citizen of Nepal.

It is especially a victory of the Maoists who started a war against the establishment 12 years ago. But the turning point in public opinion against monarchy was the palace massacre that happened 7 years ago. It is now common belief that King Gyanendra orchestrated the massacre of his own brother, the then King Birendra, and his family, in order to assume the throne himself. 3 years ago the king tightened control further by closing the parlament and taking direct control of the country. The coup’d’etat failed in 2006 and since then the King’s powers have been stripped.

Royalist supporting Hindu fundamentalists have detonated small bombs in Kathmandu the last 3 days, but without anybody seriously hurt. Their supporters are few and vanish in the crowds of republic supporters. Embassies still advice caution in public gatherings.

2 days public holiday has been declared Thursday and Friday to celebrate the declaration.

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